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welcome to hot take english!
Whether we like it or not, a lot of resources (be it news articles, books, zines, podcasts, blogs, literature or academic research) about the world today are only available in English. Hot Take English is for people whose first language is not English and who want to communicate in English about topics related to politics, activism and social justice - but in a simplified, level-appropriate way.
With the latest news as a basis for all of the material provided here. Including;
simplified news articles
worksheets to download
full lesson plans for teachers
simplified articles for activists
Hot Take English will allow you to learn English in a way that is interesting as well as useful to you.
We want to equip you with the language knowledge to go out and make the world a better place, to debate and challenge people and to educate yourself on the topics that you actually care about.
Expect to learn about a vast range of topics in English, including anti-racism, LGBTQI+ rights, anti-colonialism, feminism, climate change, activism, protest, inequality, migration, the economy, corruption, human rights... and many more!
To be notified when new articles and worksheets come out, sign up for the newsletter!
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